Matthew 14:19

Matthew 14:19

“Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people.”

This is a common piece of scripture that many probably first heard about in Sunday School. Jesus had just gotten news of the death of John the Baptist and had withdrawn by boat to a solitary place. But the crowd chose to follow Him on foot from their cities. When Jesus saw the large crowd, He had compassion on them and healed all their sick. Evening was approaching and although the disciples wanted to send the people away, Jesus invited them to stay and share a meal. The problem the disciples had was that there was only the lunch of a boy available, five loaves and two fish and there were about five thousand men besides the woman and children staying for dinner.

True to His word, Jesus takes the provision, commits it to God, breaks it, and hands it over to the disciples to feed the multitudes. It was in the hands of the disciples that the food multiplied. Jesus allowed them to be a part of the making of the miracle. These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe (Mark 16:17). God wants us to be a part of what He is doing on the earth, He does not want us to be bystanders.

Many important principles are highlighted from this scripture, one of which is, little is a lot in the right hands. Learn to give things over to God. The disciples were concerned about the provision being too little yet when it was handed over to God, that little was more than enough to provide for all, with left overs. We need to do the same. We need to take whatever God has already given us, and commit it to Him, trusting Him to use it for His purposes.

What are you concerned about? Is it your future, your family or your finances? Hand it over to God. He is a God who has compassion for His people and takes an interest in the most basic of our needs.

Another important principle highlighted is that often, we always put the focus on the things that we do not have. Just like the disciples, they focused on the fact that they did not have enough bread to feed the multitudes. Jesus instead shifted their focus on what they did have: five loaves and two fish. Use what you have. God is not restricted by your lack of resources. So today, whatever that situation is, hand it over to Jesus and watch the impossible become possible.

God Bless you.

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