Jesus has Overcome

Jesus has Overcome

You are an overcomer

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world”

This statement of Jesus makes it very clear, that we will encounter certain troubles in this life.

Sadly He does not say might, but uses the word WILL. We will encounter trouble as we journey through life.

However, Jesus reminds us to take confidence in the fact that He has already overcome the world and the troubles of this world.

As and when we rely on the inexhaustible strength of Christ, we too have the ability to overcome any troubled situation that we may find ourselves in.

Romans 8:37 says that “in all things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us”

Irrespective of the difficulties that you may find yourself in, know and understand that you are never defeated and never alone.

This situation that you are going through might just be a temporary setback, a hurdle in your path BUT trouble will never be your permanent residence. Not when there is a God who boldly declares that He will never leave you nor forsake you. JESUS has the power to turn your setback into a setup. He can take your disappointment and turn it into a divine appointment because He is the God that has overcome the world.

The Bible has several examples of people who have gone through the worst of times and came out the other side stronger and better.

Joseph was one such example (Gen 37).

He experienced many troubles. From jealous siblings who attempted to kill him by throwing him into a pit to being sold into slavery and then the prison cell.

But throughout all the troubles, Joseph knew he was not alone, Gods hand was on Him.

God took him from the pit to the palace and restored to Joseph the family he once lost and gave him great honour before them.

Joseph knew that his God was an overcomer and this gave him the courage to overcome all the obstacles he faced in life.

I wish to remind you this day:

YOU ARE AN OVERCOMER because your God has overcome the world.

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